
Hello from the Nursing Section

The Nursing Section is recruiting or a section chair and vice chair. Contact Us if you’re interested. We are in need of members and volunteers. Please spread the good word. Volunteering in a professional association is the perfect place to develop new skills. Many can testify that a volunteer experience at EDNCPHA or in a Section leads to some task or chance never, ever thought or spoke. This inevitably helps one to discover a skill or interest. Volunteering in a professional association offers the space to practice skills in a relatively risk-free environment, observing others and selecting best practices. It helps one to retain and to sharpen old skills, too. Serving on a Section or EDNCPHA committee is a great way to learn group dynamics and teamwork. Group work not only fosters teamwork, but also offers opportunities to learn more about different perspectives. Health Departments will recruit premium well-rounded individuals who have good teamwork and goal setting skills.

Serving as a committee chair increases facilitation skills. Program planning for the annual conference and implementing a major fundraising event can develop goal setting, planning, and budgeting skills. Working with the professional association teaches public administration concepts, such as strategic thinking, change management and conflict resolution. Volunteering in the professional association creates new leaders. In short, volunteering for EDNCPHA or a Section drives up the value for the member and also benefits the organization. Volunteering can be energizing and renewing. Sometimes it is a welcome break in the routine of work.